Major gifts are critical to the success of an organization’s annual fundraising goals. In this webinar we will begin developing your Major Gifts strategy for the new year. Dive deeper into your current donor database and begin crafting a prospecting and stewardship plan that supports cultivating major gifts on a one-to-one basis with your individual donors.
Learn how the Cause Selling Cycle can help you build longer-lasting relationships with your donors to help sustain your organization. Preparation is key to a successful Major Gift ask. Engage in a discussion with Adrianna and leave with strategies you can activate right away!
Presented by:
- Adrianna O’Donnell, Director of Philanthropy, San Ysidro Health
Key Takeaways:
- Define a “Major Gift” for the size of your organization.
- Explore the Traditional Major Gifts Process and how it aligns with Cause Selling.
- Begin cultivating and prospecting your current database for major gift donors.