When IT Hits the Fan: Everyone’s Role in Crisis Communications
Presented by:Jeff Stanger Education Resources Manager, CFRE
Date and Time
- Wednesday, December 18, 2019
- 11 a.m.-12pm PST / 2-3 p.m. EST
- Online
- Free
About the Webinar
It’s a matter of when, not if.
The media is on the phone or on the way to your door. Your organization is involved in a controversy; one you never saw coming. You need a plan. You need a statement. You need to adjust your hair because the camera is going live in three, two, one…
Is your heartbeat racing? It’s okay – we can help. Join us for this webinar and we will help you be prepared before a crisis hits. We will walk you through an actual full-blown media disaster that one organization experienced, and give you the tools to be prepared for the day it happens to you.
Organizations of any size and in any sector of the nonprofit world can be pulled into a controversial issue. But you can be prepared and confident when the time comes.
Key Takeaways

Learn how to plan and prepare before a crisis hits.

Explore what to communicate internally and externally, as well as when to speak up, and when to keep quiet.

Crisis Management
Find out how you can steer a crisis to work in your favor.

Jeff Stanger
Education Resources Manager, CFRE
Jeff Stanger has served CFRE International in several roles since 2012, including Continuing Education Coordinator, since January 2014. In January 2017,
Stanger was named Education Resources Manager. He reviews and manages the course submissions for over 500 approved providers of CFRE Continuing Education Points throughout the world. In addition, Stanger serves on the faculty of The Fund Raising School at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. He is a
frequent speaker and workshop facilitator on a variety of fundraising topics including social media, annual campaigns, and grant writing. He is also an author and has contributed chapters to Achieving Excellence in Fundraising Volumes III and IV. Prior to joining CFRE International, Stanger served as Development Director for The Salvation Army of Indiana for six years. He has over 18 years of fundraising experience.